How Business User can add Driver's Work Diary

How Business User can add Driver's Work Diary

Here at Unavin, there  are two ways to create a Work Diary:

- Driver creates a Work Diary in his Drivers Account. After, that data is uploaded to the Engaged Driver profile of Business User;

- Business User creates Work Diary in the Engaged Driver profile and deals with them.

Please follow these steps to add a Work Diary:

1.  In the Menu on your left select DriversEngaged.

2.  Click on the Driver - select Paper Work Diaries sub-tab.

3.  Click on the “+Add Work Diary “ button - top right of the Driver details.

Note: Work Diaries are issued to an individual driver. The diary security number is associated with that driver, drivers should not be using more than one diary at a time.
Work Diaries are legal documents and record keepers must keep records in a way that ensures they are available, readable and capable of being used as evidence.

4.  Next window will allow you to type in the Diary number.

5.  Please click on "Review" button to add the Pages to the Work Diary.

Note: When adding a Work Diary Page a copy must be attached to enable compliance and for auditing purposes. Work Diary Pages are legal records and record keepers must keep records in a way that ensures they are available, readable and capable of being used as evidence, hence, please ensure the attachment is readable.

 6. Select the Section on the next step.

7.  Choose Status, Date and Time Zone. Upload Page scanned image, write a Note (if necessary) and hit “Add“ once ready.

8.  The Page appears on the Work Diary. To review, click on the Page.

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