How Business User can perform audit Driver's Work Diary

How Business User can perform audit Driver's Work Diary

Here at Unavin, there is an opportunity to add, deal and audit Work Diary to ensure the Driver obligates under the HVNL (Heavy Vehicle National Law). 
Work Diary is issued to a Driver. The diary security number is associated with that Driver. Driver should not be using more than one diary at a time.
Driver must record information in a Work Diary if they drive outside a radius of 100km from their base (100+km work) under standard hours or if they work under BFM hours, AFM hours or exemption hours (regardless of whether or not they are driving outside a radius of 100km from their base). 

Please follow these steps to perform the audit Work Diary Pages:

1.  In the Menu on your left select DriversEngaged.

2.  Click on the Driver - select Paper Work Diaries sub-tab.

3.  Click on  “Review “ button to open Work Diary.

4.  Choose the Page you want to be audited.

5.  Click on “Perform Audit“ button in the middle of the Page.

6. Next window will allow you to review the uploaded file and choose the appropriate Audit details.

7.  You can add Breaches and Non-conformances will be created when the work diary audit is submitted. The Non-conformances will be available for processing with other driver Non-conformances on the Compliance tab → Non-conformance sub-tab

8.  Please select Breach Type and write Breach Description on the next step. Press “Proceed” button once you’ve done selecting.

9.  Press "Submit" button to finalise the Page Auditing.

10.  Created Non-conformance is available for processing on the Compliance tab → Non-conformance sub-tab.

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