How Driver can start Shift and Work

How Driver can start Shift and Work

Please follow these steps to start Shift and Work:
1.   Go to Unavin Authorisation page.
2.   Sign in by typing your Driver's Licence details as a Login (LicenceNumber@Licence State) and fill in the Password.
3.   To make  the Current Timeline tab available, please switch to your Employer's Organisation before ( see How Driver can switch to an Employer's Organisation  ).
4.   In the Menu on your left select Current Timeline tab.

5.   Press “Start Shift” button.

6.  Press “Proceed” button on the next step.

7.   Select Fatigue Options on the next step that activates Timer on Timeline.

8.   The Timer will show the due time along with the recommended period and bring a Breach message.

9.   Click "Start work" button to get to work.

10.   Your work has started, to perform your Re-Start Checks please search for and select each of the assets that you are currently using. 
Type in Plate or Fleet number and click "Search" button.

11.   Click on the Asset to choose it and press "Continue" button.

12.  Please confirm the Assets you will start using in the next window.

13.  Select State on the next step.

14. Please fill in the Combination details and click "Proceed" in the window.

15.   Please complete the Pre-Start Check form on the next step.
16.   There is a Fitness for duty assessment form on the next window you should fill.
This Form is a declaration that you have assessed your fitness for duty and that you understand and can safely comply with your obligations when operating a heavy vehicle.

17.   After finishing work press "Stop work" button.

18.   If you plan to continue working with the following assets choose that on the next step.

19.   To stop the Shift press “Stop Shift” button. These actions are shown on Timeline.

20.   Please complete the Post-Work Check in the next window.

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