How to add and deal with Daily Worksheets for Driver

How to add and deal with Daily Worksheets for Driver

Here at Unavin we have created “Daily Worksheets“  to help Driver keep a detailed written record of work and rest times and provide this to their record keeper.

To add Daily Worksheets please follow these steps:

1. Go to Unavin Authorisation page
2.  Sign in by typing your Driver's Licence details as a Login (LicenceNumber@Licence State) and fill in the Password.
3. To make  Daily Worksheets tab available on Menu, please switch to your Employer's Organisation before (see switch to Organisation)
4.  Select Daily Worksheets tab in the Menu on your left. 

5.  Now you can add Worksheets on a page that provides a Calendar with upload functional.
Click on the field to fill a page.

6.  Choose Customer in the next window. Upload the Page scanned image and fill in Note. Once you have done, press "Add" button.

7.  The page appears on your Calendar with uploaded status.

8. Business User can see Driver's Daily Worksheets on a sub-tab Engaged Drivers tab, - “Daily Worksheets“, that gives a summary of Driver`s activity with respect to the subject.

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