How to add and deal with Work Diary for Driver

How to add and deal with Work Diary for Driver

Here at Unavin, there is an opportunity to add and deal with Work Diary to ensure you are meeting your obligations under the HVNL (Heavy Vehicle National Law). 
Work Diary is issued to a Driver. The diary security number is associated with that Driver. Driver should not be using more than one diary at a time.
Driver must record information in a Work Diary if they drive outside a radius of 100km from their base (100+km work) under standard hours or if they work under BFM hours, AFM hours or exemption hours (regardless of whether or not they are driving outside a radius of 100km from their base). 

To add Work Diary please follow these steps:
1. Go to Unavin Authorisation page
2.  Sign in by typing your Driver's Licence details as a Login (LicenceNumber@Licence State) and fill in the Password.
3.  In the Menu on your left select Paper Work Diary tab.

4.  Press the button top right of the screen to open the action.

5.  Press “Add Work Diary” button and then “Proceed” on the next step.

6.  Please provide the diary security number and press "Create" button on the next window.

7.  Now you can add pages to your Work Diary, by pressing "View Pages" button.

Note: When adding a Work Diary page a copy must be attached to enable compliance and for auditing purposes. Work Diary pages are legal records and record keepers must keep records in a way that ensures they are available, readable and capable of being used as evidence, hence, please ensure the attachment is readable.

8.  Click on the field to fill a page.

9.  Choose Status, Date and Time Zone on the next window. Upload the Page scanned image and fill in Note. Once you have done press "Add" button.

10. To edit the page press on the particular field two times in Work Diary.

11. There is an opportunity to change the Page Number or Date by pressing "Modify" button on the right corner of the Page.

12. Make changes and then press "Apply" button.

13. You can change the Page's Status by selecting the drop-down window.

14. If needed, you can delete the attachment file by pressing "Delete File" button.

15. Once you're done, continue adding pages to your Work Diary.

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