How to archive Non-conformance

How to archive Non-conformance

Here at Unavin we have created to ways of Non-conformances archiving procedure:

  • one by one

  • bulk

One by one Non-conformances archiving

Please follow these steps to archive Non-conformances that you believe are noise and don’t need to be processed:

1. Go to Non-conformances list and press “Archive“ button next to the non-conformance item you would like to archive

2. In the pop-up click on “Reason“ and select the reason for archiving

3. Add more details in the Notes

Note: You will always be able to review archived non-conformances and unarchive them if necessary

Bulk Non-conformances archiving

Please follow these steps to archive non-conformances that you believe are noise and don’t need to be processed:

1.  Go to the Non-conformances list

2. Click on the “Bulk actions mode” button

3. Select the Non-conformances you would like to Archive by ticking the box next to each Non-conformance on the list.

Please make sure to select Non-conformances of the same type. Each Non-conformance type has its own list of reasons for Non-conformance archving and Unavin will not allow you to Bulk Archive Non-conformances of different types.
4. Once you have all Non-conformances selected click on the “Bulk Actions“ button in the top right corner of the screen and select “Archive“ option

5. Select the reason in the next pop-up and add some notes.

6. You are all done now.

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