How to create a Telematics Events / Non-Conformances Report.

How to create a Telematics Events / Non-Conformances Report.

Here at Unavin, there is an Event reports wizard that allows you to run reports on the Exception or Non-conformance events that have been consumed and refined by Unavin and processed (or not) by your team. You can filter in lots of different ways and the available metrics are dynamic based on the information contained in the events.

 Note: report tweaks do not affect the "Filters" section of the report and only change the contents of the results shown.

Please follow these steps to create an Exception/ Non-conformance report :

1. Select Exception events / Non-conformance in the main menu on the left.

2. Press “Reports“ button in the top right corner of the screen.

3. Report wizard allows you to select Events type, Report type, and Report format. Choose the Date, Time zone, and Processed status.

4. There is an opportunity to choose a Driver and his tied to Customer (via Allocations) on Non-Conformance Report.

5. If you want the Non-Conformance Report to include the Driver's name, mark "Including Driver name(s).

6. Press “Generate” button once you’ve selected all of the components.

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