How to Deactivate / Activate and Remove Business User Account

How to Deactivate / Activate and Remove Business User Account

Business Users (BU) are the employees of the Business Account (BA) therefore they can join BA by Invitation only. Each employee needs their own account to work in the Unavin. Business User data belongs to the Business and will stay with BA whenever employee ceases employment with the Business.

This is why we cannot allow BU to be Removed from the Business Account if they have logged in to the system (we need to keep the log of their actions for BA). Users can be Deactivated though. In this case they will not be able to log in to Unavin and they will not be receiving any notifications from Unavin with regards to your BA.

Please follow these steps to Deactivate Business User:

1. Log in to your Business Account (your ABN is a login)

2. Go to the Teams tab in the Menu

3. Click on the User you would like to Deactivate

4. Select Details sub-tub

5. Click on the red Deactivate button next to the Account Status.

6. You will be redirected to the Team tab, where user will be now indicated as Deactivated.

7. You can Activate user by pressing the Activate button next to the Account Status in the Details sub-tab

Only Deactivated User who has never accepted their invitation and so has never logged in to the system can be completely Removed from Unavin 
If you would like to proceed with Removing Deactivated account click on the Remove button next to the Account Status in the Details sub-tab.

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