How to employ / contract / add a driver in Unavin

How to employ / contract / add a driver in Unavin

Please follow these steps to add Driver to your Business Account

1. Go to your Unavin Business User Account.
2. Click on the Drivers item in the main menu.

3. Choose Engaged in the sub-menu.

4. Click on the "+ Add Driver" button in the top right corner of the screen.

5. Add Driver Licence number and State. 

6.  If this Driver is already employed with your Business - Unavin will stop you from creating a duplicate.

7. Driver licence verification against state registers is an important part of the Driver account creation process as it minimises the risk of creating duplicate account. Please add more Driver licence details for them to be verified. 

Card number will not be stored in Unavin  for privacy and security purposes

8.   If the entered Licence details were not matched, DL verification would fail. Please check the information entered to ensure it matches the Licence details by pressing "Back to licence details" button, and/or check with the Driver to ensure that their licence is current.

9.  Successful Licence verification allows you to add Driver Licence expiration date and Licence Class on the next step.
Although an expiration date is not required for Driver Licence verification procedure, it will help to keep the data actual and compliant by sending reminders to the Driver and responsible managers.

10.  Once verified the system will create Driver account and request their contact details and employment / contract

11. That's it!  Driver is now available for allocations.

Driver will receive an SMS / email with Unavin login details and a link for password reset.

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