More about Non-conformance and how to action on them

More about Non-conformance and how to action on them

From the legal point of view - Non-conformance is a policy violation event (speeding, fatigue etc.). We take these very seriously in Unavin. That is why firstly we check data coming from Telematics System in order to filter out the noise (false, doubled up Events etc.). We use references and allocations to match Telematics Event to the real assets in Unavin (Driver / Truck / Trailer etc.). Once everything is checked and matched - we have a confirmed Non-conformance in the system. Please read more on Telematics Events.
You can view all the Non-conformance that have been recorded in Unavin in the Non-conformance tab.

Each Non-conformance has an Audit Trail, showing the log of actions and stages this Non-conformance has been through.

In order to action on a Non-conformance - you need to assign it to one of the Pipelines or Archive it. Please read more on Pipelines and how to create one.

Please follow these steps to assign Non-conformance to a Pipeline:
1. Hover your mouse on the Non-conformance you would like to assign to a Pipeline

2. Choose a Pipeline

3. Done. You are now redirected to the Non-conformance tab, where this Non-conformance is now indicated as the one assigned to the Pipeline.

4. Once all of the actions in the Pipeline (forms, notifications, etc) have been completed, Non-conformance will be finalised and kept in Unavin for your reference.

Each Non-conformance will keep the Name and a Version of the Pipeline it was assigned to. You can view and print it’s Structure by clicking on the Structure Summary button.

​Since Pipelines may have multiple version during their lifetime. It is important to mention that each Non-conformance keeps the Name and Structure of the Pipeline it has been assigned to (like a footprint) to make it easier to investigate / audit at any point in time.
If You believe that no actions are required on one of the Non-conformances - you can simply archive it. Read more on how to Archive a Non-conformance. Archived Non-conformance can be unarchived at any moment (read more on how to unarchive Non-conformance).

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