More about Telematics Events and how to action on them

More about Telematics Events and how to action on them

Here at Unavin, we use Telematics data from your Telematics system to help you keep track of any events while your Vehicles / Drivers are on the road.
Once your Unavin account has an integration with your Telematics System set up (read more on Telematics Data and Configurations) Telematics Events will start appearing in the Compliance - Exception Events tab.

Telematics Events basically represent raw data from your Telematics System after some pre-processing done by Unavin. Our algorithm removes noise (false, doubled up Events generated by your Telematics System).
This short video might help you better understand Telematics Data pre-processing and conversion in Unavin:

If you have your Unavin account set up and maintained correctly all of your Telematics Events will be converted into Exception Events automatically. There is an indicator showing that Event has been converted into Exception Event.

In some cases, Unavin might need your assistance to help us find and match assets in Unavin with data coming from your Telematics System.

Each time Unavin doesn’t have enough information to have Telematics Event converted into Exception Event automatically it generates Notification. Please read more on Notifications and how to address them.

Checking and actioning on Notifications daily is the best way to keep Unavin up to date.

Each Event has an Audit Trail that shows a log of all the transformations this Event has been through. Go to Event Audit Trail to find a reason Event couldn’t be converted into Exception Event automatically.

There is an opportunity to manually convert an unprocessed Exception Event by clicking on the “Manual convert” button (hover on the Event on the list).

1.   Pop-up window shows the Asset has been found. To select the other Assets required to record a Non-conformance press "Proceed" button.

2.   Type in the Driver's name and hit Enter on the next step.

3. Please review the summary and confirm the conversion.

4. Non-conformance Event has been created and can be assigned to Pipeline.

5. If Asset is not found.
Please review the integration configuration's assigned assets and try again. ( see How to Integrate your Telematics System with Unavin ).

6.   The Event should now be converted into an Exception Event and create Non-conformance

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