More on a Contract and how to create one

More on a Contract and how to create one

Here at Unavin, we’ve created Network to help you connect and deal with Unavin-registered 

Businesses (BA). Start with ABN and search for the BA to create a Contract with.

Once ABN is found, initiator BA creates the Contract Link. At this stage, the Contract is not yet visible to the other party.

The initiator releases the Contract as a proposal to the recipient. A notification is sent to the recipient and the Contract becomes visible to the recipient. The initiator may re-send the Contract unlimited times to attract the recipient's attention.

Recipient BA receives a request and can add their requirement too.


Please follow these steps to create a Contract:


  1. Log in to your Business User Interface and select “Network“ in the main menu.

  2. In the Network sub-menu select “Contracted

  1. Press “Add“ button in the top right corner of the screen.

4. Type ABN code and hit Enter.

  1. Once BA is found, press “Next” button.

  2. Select Responsible user for the Contract on the pop-up window. This person will receive notifications in relation to the Contract. 

  1. Click “Create”  button to finalise creating the Contract.

  1. Sub-tub "Parties"  shows the status of the parties' actions.

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