Notifications and how to address them

Notifications and how to address them

Notifications tab is where you should start your day in the system. Whenever Unavin wants to inform / alert you of anything happening or due to happen soon (like registration expiration) we would generate a notification.
New notification will have an active indicator next to their subject and those with the blurred one - you have already viewed.

Notifications would usually have either an “Archive” button or actions buttons (“Re-process“, “Fill out the form“ etc.).

Archive” button is for those notifications that do not require you to do anything. Like in case of Telematics System Report Processing Notification. You can just Archive these to remove them from the Notifications list.

Please find the list of notifications types below:

1. Telematics processing notification (telematics data received and processed)
See more: Telematics processing notification (telematics data received and processed)

2. Missing Vehicles
See more: Missing Vehicles Notifications.

3. Missing Drivers
See more: Missing Drivers Notification

4. No allocation found for “Fleet #“
See more: No allocation found for “Fleet #“ Notification

5. Vehicle Rego Expiration Notification
See more: Vehicle Rego Expiration Notification

6. Trailer Rego Expiration Notification
See more: Trailer Rego Expiration Notification

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