Pipeline Structure: view, update, versions

Pipeline Structure: view, update, versions

Here at Unavin we’ve created Pipelines to help you automate and streamline your Non-conformance processing. Pipeline is basically a sequence of phases (steps) for the non-conformance to go through to get finalised. We call this sequence of phases - Pipeline Structure.

To view any Pipeline Structure:

1. Go to the list of all Pipelines

2. Click on the “Structure Summary” button

Each time you make changes to the Pipeline and save it we create a new version and keep the history of all versions to make it easier to analyse and investigate at any time

3. Select Pipeline Version you’d like to view and whether you’d like to show Structure on the screen or print it in PDF.

If you would like to update Pipeline Structure:

1. Click on the “Pipeline Structure” button next to the name of the Pipeline

2. You can add / remove phases or change their order

Structure copy/paste tool helps you create a new Pipeline which is a modified copy of an existing one. Just copy Pipeline Structure and paste it into another one. Use Copy Structure and Paste Structure buttons next to the Save button at the bottom.

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