Telematics processing notification (telematics data received and processed)

Telematics processing notification (telematics data received and processed)

This type of notification informs you of the Telematics data that has been received and gives you a short post-processing report:

  • Sender of the report - Telematics system that generated data

  • Recipient of the report - emails address the report has been sent to

  • Subject of the report - type of the events that were included in the report

  • Telematics Configuration - configuration that has been used to process the report (see Telematics configuration in Unavin)

  • Retrieved attachment - the name of the file with report generated and sent by the Telematics system and received by Unavin

  • Status of the report processing - successful / unsuccessful

  • Details of the report - number of the entries found / passed the pre-filtering process / not passed the prefiltering process

  • Date and time of when the report has been processed and notification generated

Actions: No actions required. Sit back and relax, Unavin has filltered out all that NOISE from the Telematics data.
In order to remove this notification from the list - press “Archive“ button - right from the “New / Viewed“ indicator.

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