What is the Fleet Scheduling. Delivery Orders

What is the Fleet Scheduling. Delivery Orders

Here at Unavin, there is an opportunity to have a full instant live overview of the Fleet and the Trips assigned to Drivers and Runs currently running on the Fleet Status page.
 Creating Delivery Orders and then assigning them to the Drivers is necessary first.

Please follow these steps to create a Delivery Order:
1.   In the Menu on your left select Fleet SchedulingDelivery Orders.

2.   Press “+Add“ button in the top right corner of the screen.

3.   Select the Order detail and press "Proceed" button.

4.   You can configure Delivery Order fields based on your organisation's preferences by selecting in the Menu on your left Modules -Activated Modules Configuration. 

5.  The Created Order is recorded in the Order List, appears on the Fleet Status Timeline and is ready to be assigned to a Driver.

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