How Driver can start Delivery Trip

How Driver can start Delivery Trip

Please follow these steps to start Delivery Trip:
1.   Go to Unavin Authorisation page.
2.   Sign in by typing your Driver's Licence details as a Login (LicenceNumber@Licence State) and fill in the Password.
3.   To make  the Current Timeline tab available, please switch to your Employer's Organisation before ( see How Driver can switch to an Employer's Organisation  ).
4.   In the Menu on your left select Current Timeline tab.

5.    Please start Shift and Work ( see How Driver can start Shift and Work ).

6.  Press  "Vehicle" button on the bottom left corner to open the List of Trips and select the Trip.

7.   Click on "Accept trip" button on the next window.

8.   To start the Load process, open the Run document by clicking the Trip's button on the Timeline and click "Load" button.

9.   If necessary you can set a Trip on Pause by clicking "Pause" button. You will be able to resume this Trip by accepting it again later.

10.   Type in Loaded Volume which will pipe to "Net Weight" field in the Load Record Form.

11.   There is a Load Record Form on the next screen.
 Fill in details:
  • Vehicle Reference; 
  • Docket Number;
  •  Gross Weight;
  • Tare Weight;
  • Net Weight (piped from the Loaded Volume);
  •  Loading Location (piped from the Trip's document); 
  • Unloading Location (piped from the Trip's document);
  • Axle group combination. If necessary, you can add more Axle groups.
  • Add Attachments.

12. Next step allows you to complete  TMA declaration.

13. To start the Unload process, open the Run document by clicking the Trip's button on the Timeline and click "Unload" button.

14.    Unloading the product sets the Trip as finished and closes it. Press "Proceed" button on the next window to finish the Trip.
15.   You can see the details of the Run document by clicking the Trip's button on the Timeline.

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