What is the Fleet Scheduling. Fleet Status

What is the Fleet Scheduling. Fleet Status

Here at Unavin, we’ve created a Fleet Scheduling to help you have a full instant live overview of the Fleet and the Trips assigned to Drivers and Runs currently running on the Fleet Status page.

There are Delivery Orders on the left side of the page which you can assign to the Drivers. ( see How you can create Delivery Orders).

Order (with Volume) allows multiple Trips to be generated from such Order, while Order (without Volume) is completed in a single Trip.

Click on the right button mouse to open Order's functional menu.

To send a Trip to the Driver, please click and hold the Order and drag it to the Driver.

Select Message Target and Assigned Volume in the next window. 

Sending a Trip to the Driver will make such Trip visible and available to the Driver for immediate acceptance and execution. Sending a Trip to a Vehicle or a Trailer will make such Trip visible and available to a Driver who is currently allocated to the Asset or next one who picks such Asset.

Accepting Trip by Driver makes the Trip Running.

Hovering an Order with the pressed Alt key will blink the Trips assigned to Drivers and Runs currently running.

Execution stages are displayed in the Order.

Trip cancellation is available only while not accepted by the Driver (it is not a Run: before accepted or after paused).
Trip can not be cancelled if the Vehicle has been loaded (Run has been loaded)

To cancel a Trip, on the page Fleet Status, click on the Trip icon when a Trip is assigned to a Driver but not yet accepted.

Click on "Cancel" button and then "Proceed" on the next steps.

You can set page settings by clicking gear icon on top right corner of the screen.

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